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Some things are Un-Quitable

We are coming up on the one month anniversary of being in our new home, what a whirlwind! If I ever ever make the brain absent decision to move my family just days before Christmas again, someone please, step in and loan me some ‘what-the-hell-am-I-thinking’. It isn’t that anything went horribly wrong on the contrary, everything went amazingly well. A crack team of family and friends is the key here to the success of that mission. I’m not sure how to ever thank them enough for swooping in, packing, moving, cleaning, unpacking, setting up, cooking, eating, laughing and filling our new home with its first doses of love and happiness. Maybe I did thank them already but I just don’t remember. That is the whirlwind part of the experience. From listing our home in September to moving in December my brain has been so completely focused on the job at hand that everything else was lived by rote. Now I feel like I’m waking up from one of those naps where you open your eyes and think you’ve missed a day, except in this case I missed a few months.

The world I’ve woken up is wildly full of joy beyond my imagination and I am so excited to be back at the things I love so much; Reading, writing, spending quality time (not just packing time) with my kids, ‘leisurely’ conversations with Mike over nothing in particular and time to walk the dog at a speed that doesn’t leave him breathless. I am back to sharing positivity,  joy and laughter with people I adore.

That’s why we are here! Not here, here as put on the planet, ‘here’ as in this new Space Between Raindrops page. Back in the Whirlwind, while my brain was busy trying to manage all of the areas of my life that needed attention I felt like I was doing my passion a great disservice. I was trying to spread my time to write too thin. One of my favourite sayings is ‘I’d rather be great at a couple of things than okay at a hundred’ so I quit. I wrote a post walking away from writing in the Space Between Raindrops and I quit. and I stayed ‘quitted’ for a few months and that was good, until I woke up from that ‘moving nap’ and found out that I was missing the daily share immensely!

So I spent some time really thinking about what I wanted the Space to become, I made some notes, doodled some doodles, outlined some goals and recreated Space Between Raindrops. It feels great to be back, and I have to tell you that no coffee tastes as lovely as the one sipped keyboard-side in the wee hours of the morning in my new kitchen.

I expect that there will be additions and subtractions from this Space as it grows around me and we get to know each other. For a snap at where it has come from and a peak at where it is going click on over to the ‘about’ page. I hope you’ll travel with me on the adventure. I always love to hear your positive stories, your insights, I love the quotes and pictures of joy you send me and the joy you share with the world around you….did you know you are amazing? You are. (I’m just saying)

Happy to be back, my heart, my head…. and my fingers, which have been doing this crazy Mr. Magorium air typing thing lately.


Curious as to why we moved our family? here’s the answer

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